Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You need faith, and you need love

One of the things I do regularly is to go over the articles I wrote on this blog. I must say it was NOT uncommon for me to marvel at the some of the understandings expressed in the articles; how could I have arrived at them, and in those moments. I would be truly humbled for I knew the understandings were NOT from me; it was by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that such understandings came. Because I believe such were from the Lord, NOT only for my readers, but for me, I must want to go over and over the same that the Lord had revealed.

Of course, what is revelation to one may NOT be to another, for he might have already known such understandings or truths or have had illuminations from the Holy Spirit. In any case, whether it is my own articles or the Word itself, as a follower of Christ Jesus, I must feed and re-feed on the Bread of Life which is our spiritual food. It is a misconception to regard the Bread of Life as that which we take once, and we will no longer need to take anymore.

While once taken, the Bread of Life does satisfy a certain hunger in us, and that certain hunger being the hunger to identify with God, the spirit man in us still needs to be fed regularly, much like the physical man needs to eat, physically. That I have the Bread of Life, I do NOT go round looking for another god, I have been satisfied, but I am to feed on the Bread given to me, and that is what I will do for the whole of my Christian life. What about you? Think about it, if you do NOT eat physically, you will become weak, if you do NOT feed spiritually, won’t you also be weak? May this encourage you to feed your spirit on a regular basis.

Today, I re-read this article of mine, “If I have not love (no love), I am nothing”. It is the conclusion from 1 Cor 13:2.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

What struck me was that even with a faith that can move mountains, I am nothing, if I have no love to go along with the faith! We know Scripture (Heb 11:6) said that without faith it is impossible to please God; and so, if I am with faith, and I act in faith, wouldn’t it please God, and so, it should NOT count as nothing, right? This verse of Paul today is telling me that there is faith, and there is love. I believe I already had the revelation of what faith is, but it did NOT particularly occur to me that in the definition of faith, there is NOT the element of love, although of course, God is love. It becomes clear that if faith is an ingredient, love is another. Without faith it is impossible to please God, but with faith it NOT necessarily that God is pleased; love is needed. As I pondered about this, I believed I was being guided to this verse, Gal 5:6 -

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. (Gal 5:6).

The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. There, it said it all: acting in faith is to be done through love. Indeed the more excellent way is: act in faith with love.

Afterwards, another scripture came to mind, all of a sudden – “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor 13:13). Indeed, faith and love are separate items, and in ministry, both are required. So, the next time, for my ministry, I shall NOT just think so much about faith, but also, love, even though it was NOT that I have never been thinking about love and compassion being needed for ministry, otherwise I would NOT have penned the article above. But perhaps, it is the Lord’s refining works for me, and my ministry, on the edge of my wanting to launch my ministry into a new frontier, that He reveals what He would like to see.

Would you pray with me as I plan to conduct healing meetings to minister the Word and love of God to those around? It will be a bold step; very bold step indeed, for one without appointment by men, and relying solely on God to come to minister.

When the date draws nearer for the first of such meetings, I will let you all know.

Anthony Chia, high.expressions – Lord, I am apprehensive, yet I am willing to be a fool for you; yet, at the same time, I trust you will honor me as I honor you, and act in faith with love for you and for my fellow men. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I profess. Amen. Dated this 12 Jul 2011.

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  1. A prayer I copied from another site and posted on my blog. rings true to me.

    I knelt to pray when work was done and prayed, “O God, bless everyone… Lift from each burdened heart the pain and let the sick be well again.” … And then I woke another day and carelessly went on my way… And all day long I did not try to wipe the tear from any eye… I did not try to bear the load of any brother on the road… I did not even go to see the sick man just next door to me. And then again when day was done, I prayed, “O God, bless everyone” … And as I prayed into my ear there came a voice which whispered clear … “Whom have you tried to bless today? Pause, hypocrite, before you pray … God’s richest blessings always go by hands that serve Him, here below.” … And then I hid my face and cried, “Forgive me, Lord, for I have lied… Let me but see another day, for I would live the way I pray.”

  2. I am very impressed by your blog. You put so much godly thought into it! I started reading your blog because I noticed that someone was reading my blog from Singapore. (My oldest daughter lives there.) I am so glad I looked at what you have written. God is using you in ways you may never know.
    You are so right. Each act we make has power through the love within us. It may be faith that moves a mountain but it is love that brings us the faith.
    God bless,

  3. Prentis, thank you for encouragement.

    Nice to know that your eldest daughter lives here, in Singapore. If she still needs to find a good church to go to, I will be glad to recommend one. Let me know.

    May you continue to give of your time and accumulated understanding and revelations of the truths of God to enrich the lives of all who seek answers from the Word, through the world-wide internet. For those reading this, I find that Pastor Prentis' blog to be very good; the address is this:

    May God upkeeps your health as you continue to labour for Him, Anthony Chia

  4. Hi Lanie (Nanaymiriam),

    How true, so often we pray to bless, generally (without specifying specific identities)! There is a place for it, for we are exhorted to pray for everyone, including all those in authority (1 Tim 2:1-2). Of course, it is better we get more specific, narrow down to categories of individuals, like people of a nation or city currently being afflicted. For example, I shared about how I prayed for the people of Haiti during the 2010 major earthquake; read my article: . We are to pray across the spectrum, from category of people right down to specific individuals (citing names). When we are always praying generally, it points to our lack of engagement with the heart of God. The "work" you referred to, I take it to mean generally a person's job or his personal preoccupation of the day. At the end of the day, if we cannot name specifc peoples or individuals to pray for, it means we have NOT engaged at all, with the heart of God. The response from God which you cited,is NOT surprising. I am NOT saying you will always need to do something for the individuals or people, but the more excellent way is perhaps, we should put in a little of our part, and then we ask God to bless the little, and also to bless in other ways. We are servant and partner to God, we should NOT just tell God that He should do ALL the work.

    Some overly grace preachers are teaching their followers that it is ALWAYS ALL God's part, nothing of the Man's part. It is a whole lot of crap. If we believe, like some overly grace preachers do, we are saved to just bask in grace, this is likely the attitude, "We do NOT engage, we just bask in grace, and we tell God, you go bless them." Just think about it, how can God be pleased with that; the overall counsel of the Word does NOT point to such just basking in grace.

    May you, your mother, and your little girl be found well by the grace of God, Anthony Chia


I welcome comments.