LATEST 3 ARTICLES___________________________WORDS FOR ALL SEASONS (click ME)
1. Much one is forgiven, much one can love
2. Much grace and mercy, much one can love
1. I prayed and God grew the leg
2. Rheumatoid Arthritis healed
3. Painful Elbow healed
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Divine Healing Meetings/Services |
1. What is high.expressions all about
2. Is Satan a reality?
3. Carbon-dating and the Bible
4. From the Lord to the Lord this Valentine morn
5. Were Mary Magdalene and Mary Bethany the same person?
6. Liz has passed on (6th Oct 2011)
7. Carolyn Quek has passed on, too (31 Dec 2011)
8. Initial Return to Zion
9. Who killed Goliath?
10. Spiritual food
11. Doing more, for the Lord
Against questionable teachings
18. Overly-grace is now hyper-grace, and it is still as heretic as before (as against hyper-grace)
17. Will be saved but as one who has passed through fire (as against hyper-grace)
16. Keeping oneself (as against hyper-grace)
15. Parable of the Lost Sheep pointed to Universalism - Wrong!
14. If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything
(1 John 3:20 – NIV2011) (as against hyper-grace)
13. Romans 8:1 is NOT unqualified! (as against hyper-grace)
12. Seeking after God {Only non-believers need to be seeking? Cannot be!} (as against hyper-grace)
11. NOT just right standing, live right (as against hyper-grace)
10. Who are the overcomers? Part II (correctly dividing 1 John 5:4-5) (as against hyper-grace)
9. Correctly dividing John 5:24 (as against hyper-grace)
8. Ananias and Sapphira - NOT believers, how convenient! (as against hyper-grace)
7. Secret of Obed Edom, faulty premise more likely
6. If Stars are stars, and sand is sand, the tree of good and evil is no tithe! {Can, meh?} (as against hyper-grace)
5. Stars are stars, sand is sand {be careful when we teach & preach}
4. Please, 1 John 3:9 does not mean a believer cannot (unable to) sin! (as against hyper-grace)
3. Lordship
3(i). Luke 6:46 - Part I - Salvation and Lordship are together (You cannot ignore Lordship)
3(ii). Luke 6:46 - Part II - As Christians we are to obey His commands (His Lordship demands obedience)
2. Ye are NOT gods (Hyper-grace believers claiming we are gods) (as against hyper-grace)
1a. 1 John 1:9 is for believers {some say, NOT} (A MUST READ article) (as against hyper grace)
1b. 1 John 1:9 - Q&As (as against hyper-grace)
Salvation, Gospel
29. Will be saved but as one who has passed through fire
28. Keeping oneself
27. Parable of the Lost Sheep pointed to Universalism - Wrong!
26. If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything
(1 John 3:20 – NIV2011)
25. Romans 8:1 is NOT unqualified!
24. Our peculiar passage
23. Last Supper - When did Jesus' symbolisms start?
22. Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Matt 22:1-14)
21. I don't know you (you evildoer) - Part I
20. About being known by God
19. Turning away from wickedness, a must
18. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head
17. Correctly dividing John 5:24
16a. Who are the overcomers? - Part I
16b. Who are the overcomers? - Part II (correctly dividing 1 John 5:4-5)
16c. Who are the overcomers? - Part III (On-going overcoming expected of us)
16d. Who are the overcomers? - Part IV (What can help you to overcome)
15. My sheep "hear my voice"
14. What does God desire for the living man?
13. The natural supernatural
12. Please, you have to continue to love God
11. Beauty of Good Friday
10. Sinner's Prayer - Sample
9. Works of redemption by Our Lord
8. Animals do not go to Heaven
7. Correct understanding of salvation, and relationships between salvation, grace, faith, and good works
6(i). Luke 6:46 - Part I - Salvation and Lordship are together
6(ii). Luke 6:46 - Part II - As Christians we are to obey His commands
5. Psalm 16 - King David's profession of faith
4. 1 John 1:9 is for believers.
3a. Salvation as Justification and Sanctification
3b. What about propitiation, forgiveness, and appropriation?
2. No one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit
1. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me(John 12:32)
*Want to know more about God, just hop over to the section below.
About God
15. There is a Creator God I can identify with, says the cichlid fish, what about you?
14. God's love is max. out; ours to grow
13. 'ahab love - love unto righteousness
12. Why Cain's offering was rejected, and Abel's, accepted
11. Agape's meanings need to be expanded - Part I
10. Agape's meanings need to be expanded - Part II
9. We are without excuse
8. He is NOT just Father
7. Did God create evil?
6. About God's compassion (Ps 145:9 and Rom 9:15-16)
5. Why I think Isaiah 53 was about Jesus
4. God is gender-neutral, He is spirit
3. The Lord as papa eagle - a vision of faithfulness, comfort and assurance
2. Who are the Three Vistors/Men? (Gen 18:1-23)
1. God also exercises faith!
- Holy Spirit
4. Be led by the Holy Spirit - Part I
3. The Holy Spirit is the peace - John 14:26-27
2. Are these the same, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of Christ?
1. Adoption Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
About Man
6. Do we exist to please God, glorify and honor Him?
5. God knows man through man's spirit; for believers, most intimately by His indwelling Spirit
4. They call it the view of Hell
3. Ye are NOT gods
2. The Fall of Man (3-part article)
Part I - The Need for understanding of the topic, background, and the fall
Part II - The Consequences of The Fall
Part III - Controversial issues of The Fall
1. Man is body, soul and spirit (Tripartite Man)
Holiness series
9. Please, you have to continue to love God
8. You must choose to cleanse yourself from ignoble
7. Peter's call to holiness
6. 1 John 1:9 is for believers.
5. The Parable of the Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1-15) note the kind of shrewdness
4a. Do you know why Moses did not enter the Promised Land?
4b. Wilderness Death Decree - Who were covered under it?
3. Be holy because I am holy
2. Way of Holiness - The Way of the Lord
1. What is holiness?
Righteousness series
14. Forgiveness (framed) against justice and righteousness
13. Persevering of hope and faith
12. NOT just right standing, live right
11. Must God's love being seen in me?
10. Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Matt 22:1-14)
9. Why Cain's offering was rejected, and Abel's accepted
8. Agape's meanings need to be expanded - Part I
7. Agape's meanings need to be expanded - Part II
6. Turning away from wickedness, a must
5. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt 6:33, KJV)
4. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part I
3. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part II
2. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part III
1. Anyone in OT ever righteous since Jesus was not yet manifest then?
Aspects of Biblical love
8. Must God's love being seen in me?
7. God's love is max. out; ours, to grow
6. as her great love has shown
5. Matt 22:36-39 - No oxymoron here, but the very essence of love
4. `ahab love - love unto righteousness
3. Agape's meanings need to be expanded - Part I
2. Agape's meanings need to be expanded - Part II
1a. Secret to the well-being of a believer
1. Secret to our well-being
Christian Living
88. Will be saved but as one who has passed through fire
87. Keeping oneself
86. Parable of the Lost Sheep pointed to Universalism - Wrong!
85. If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything
(1 John 3:20 – NIV2011)
84. Romans 8:1 is NOT unqualified!
83. Do we exist to please God, glorify and honor Him?
82. Seeking after God {Only non-believers need to be seeking? Cannot be!}
81. They know the truth, but they don't attempt to live it
80. Pleasing God - walking in faith
79. Forgiveness (framed) against justice and righteousness
78. Persevering of hope and faith
77. Praying in the name of Jesus
76. Praise and worship is an invitation for God to come
75. NOT just right standing, live right
74. Must God's love being seen in me?
73. Be led by the Holy Spirit - Part I
72. Is Satan a reality?
71. Where is the works in Ps 23?
70. Rejoice in the Lord, always - what's involved?
69. Our peculiar passage
68. Be careful of pride
67. Issachar Spirit
66a. Ps 23:1 - The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want
66b. Ps 23:2-3 - The leading of the LORD, my Shepherd
66c. Ps 23:4-6 - The LORD, as our Shepherd, is with us in our troubles
65. God's love is max out; ours, to grow
64. as her great love has shown
63. Last Supper - When did Jesus' symbolisms start?
62. How do we fend off anxiety?
61. 'ahab love - love unto righteousness
60. Parable of the Wedding Banquet (Matt 22:1-14)
59. Why Cain's offering was rejected, and Abel's, accepted
58. I don't know (you evildoer) - Part I
57. About being known by God
56. Agape's meanings need to be expanded - Part I
55. Agape's meanings need to be expanded - Part II
54. Are you seizing every opportunity?
53. Turning away from wickedness, a must
52. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head
51a. Who are the overcomers? - Part I
51b. Who are the overcomers? - Part II (correctly dividing 1 John 5:4-5)
51c. Who are the overcomers? - Part III (on-going overcoming expected of us)
51d. Who are the overcomers? - Part IV (What can help you to overcome)
50. The Holy Spirit is the peace - John 14:26-27
49. My sheep "hear my voice"
48. What does God desire for the living man?
47. Hard, but must still forgive and love one another
46. Ananias and Sapphira - NOT believers, how convenient!
45. Seizing the opportunities - part I
44. The natural supernatural
43. Please, you have to continue to love God
42. Stressful troubles, how?
41. Run with perseverance the RACE
40. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt 6:33, KJV)
39a. Secret to the well-being of a believer
39b.Much one is forgiven, much one can love
39c. Much grace and mercy, much one can love
39d. Much obedience, much one can love
39. Secret to our well-being
38. Methods as opposed to intent
37. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part I
36. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part II
35. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part III
34. Don't be a fool, wise up, ...
33. 7 things we can learn from Nehemiah's Prayer (this turns out to be quite popular!)
32. Matt 22:36-39 - No oxymoron here, but the very essence of love
31. He is NOT just Father
30. Good works explained (Part I)
29. Good works explained (Part II)
28. The potter and the clay - His sovereignty (many read this!)
27. You must choose to cleanse yourself from ignoble
26. It is a tug of war
25. Works of redemption by Our Lord
24. Grace of God means this, too!
23. Psalm 143 - David's refusal to despair
22. Did God say we are not to judge?
21. Psalm 34 - I will teach you the fear of the LORD
20. To enter into the kingdom, we need to be like little children
19. Psalm 62 - God and only God matters
18. Who are the sheep, and who are the goats (Recommended reading)
17. Hold on, for the grace of God
16. Peter's call to holiness
15a. 1 John 1:9 is for believers (A MUST READ article)
15b. 1 John 1:9 - Q&As
14. Durian or papaya?
13. Modus Operandi of Satan
12. Seeking the face of God when one is afflicted by wicked people - Psalm 9
11. Don't play, play, words from the mouths of favored men of God can be powerful
10. God also exercises faith!
9. About being delivered – Psalm 116
8. About wickedness, sin, & righteousness, & the consequences, in a nutshell – Psalm 1
7. The Lord as papa eagle - a vision of faithfulness, comfort and assurance
6. The Parable of the Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1-15)
5. I can do all things through him [Jesus Christ] who gives me strength (Phil 4:13)
4. Reserve glory and worship for God, practise honor, and grow in favor with God
3. Psalm 42 - What to do when discouraged
2. Trials and temptations (James 1:2-18)
1. More of 'O' less of 'I'
Christian Service
39. Doing more, for the Lord
38. Will be saved but as one who has passed through fire
37. Do we exist to please God, glorify and honor Him?
36. Forgiveness (framed) against justice and righteousness
35. Praying in the name of Jesus
34. Praise and worship is an invitation for God to come
33. Is Satan a reality?
32. Issachar Spirit
31. as her great love has shown
30. Are you seizing every opportunity?
29. Turning away from wickedness, a must
28. Seizing the opportunities - part I
27. The natural supernatural
26. Run with perseverance the RACE
25. At cross-road, then suddenly, I am encouraged
24. Update on ministry at church services
23. Update on ministry at church services - Part II
22. Prophecy in pictures
21. Methods as opposed to intent
20. Characteristics of a called minister
19. Matt 22:36-39 - No oxymoron here, but the very essence of love
18. You need faith, and you need love
17. Why do you NOT want to pray for the sick?
16. Good works explained (Part I)
15. Good works explained (Part II)
14. The potter and the clay - His sovereignty
13. You must choose to cleanse yourself from ignoble
12. Works of redemption by Our Lord
11. Psalm 66 - Intercede, but cherish not sin in your heart
10. Psalm 62 - God and only God matters
9. Who are the sheep, and who are the goats
8. Basics of Divine Healing
7. It may be wrong to say that God's spiritual gifts are irrevocable
6. Twice Paul was warned, yet he still went to Jerusalem (Recommended for those who move in prophecy and words of knowledge)
5. Don't play, play, words from the mouths of favored men of God can be powerful
4. God also exercises faith!
3. The Parable of the Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1-15)
2. Reserve glory and worship for God, practise honor, and grow in favor with God
1. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me(John 12:32)
Jesus' Teachings on Prayers (Luke 11:1-13)
3. Jesus' teachings on prayers (Luke 11:1-13)[Part I]
2. Jesus' teachings on prayers (Luke 11:1-13)[Part II]
1. Jesus' teachings on prayers (Luke 11:1-13)[Part III]
About Divine Healing
17. Keeping oneself
16. Healing of sickness in the Atonement
15. Divine Healing Ministry Door is NOT shut
14. The natural supernatural
13. Please, you have to continue to love God
12. Stressful troubles, how?
11. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part I
10. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part II
9. Do I have to forgive (another man)? Part III
8a. Secret to the well-being of a believer
8. Secret to our well-being
7. It is God CAN heal and God DOES heal (Part I)
6. It is God CAN heal and God DOES heal (Part II)
5. People are NOT healed all the time, why we still pray
4. Why do you NOT want to pray for the sick?
3. Sickness, good? Nay
2. Sickness and God
1. Basics of Divine Healing
Concerning my little "ministry"
20. Doing more, for the Lord
19. Since that last article
18. At cross-road, then suddenly, I am encouraged
17. Update on ministry at church services
16. Update on ministry at church services - Part II
15. You need faith, and you need love
14iiHide NOT under filthy rags - Part II
14i Hide NOT under filthy rags - Part I
13. Lord, what are you saying in these?
12. Keeping Christmas (Put here, for I believe, this is part of that little ministry)
11. If I have not love, I am nothing
10. It is so good to hear that people have been healed
9. Intercede for others - and you'll be blessed too!
8. More variations have come
7. The Lord as papa eagle - a vision of faithfulness, comfort and assurance
6. Another testimony of God's healing for me
5. I too must testify to the goodness of God
4. Thank you Lord, for the affirmation again
3. Thank you Lord. You are still affirming
2. More Lord, more
1. A Special Resurrection Sunday indeed
Judges series
Click here for full listing
Psalms expositions
Click here for full listing
An associated blog site (Say It Like This) - shorter articles
5. Beauty of Good Friday
4. Don't be a fool, wise up, ...
3. Characteristics of a called minister
2. Restedness does NOT mean no work
1. Ye are being legalistic if ye say there should be no laws whatsoever